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Eligible Activities for Ages 14-18

14th birthday to the day before the 19th birthday

Note that the 14-18 age range allows West Sacramento youth who did not reach the $250 limit in earlier age ranges to “catch up” to the full $1,000 maximum. In other words, teens can earn more than $250 for activities completed in the 14-18 age range, but the lifetime maximum is still $1,000.

Images of official documents (e.g., transcripts or grade reports, attendance records, voter registration, FAFSA confirmation) must clearly show the participant’s name and the date or school year. The Good Grades and Perfect Attendance incentives are awarded only for FULL school years.


Unless otherwise indicated, all documentation of completed activities should be submitted through the activity claim form. Please uncheck the final question on the activity claim form if you do not want your photos to be used to promote the Home Run to other West Sacramento families.

529 College Savings Account

Open a 529 college savings account from a provider other than ScholarShare (not available for ScholarShare account holders).

529 account statement. (Note: You must be 18 to open an account. If under 18, ask a parent or guardian to open an account for you.)

$25, one time only
After-school Activities

Participate in a non-STEAM after-school enrichment program.

Answer the questions on the activity claim form and upload photo verification of participation.

$10 per program, per year
After-school STEAM Activities

Participate in a STEAM-focused after-school enrichment program.

Answer the questions on the activity claim form and upload photo verification of participation.

$15 per program, per year
CPR Certification

Attend an in-person CPR Class and earn your CPR Certification. Upcoming CPR classes from the American Red Cross can be found here. You may complete the class through any other qualified organization.

Upload your CPR certificate.

$20, one time only
CSS Profile

Submit evidence of completion of the CSS Profile from the College Board.

Email confirming completion of the CSS profile.

$15, one time only
CTE Course

Complete a Career Technical Education course at River City High School. View eligible courses.

Transcript or report card.

CalKIDS Account

Account statement.

$50, one time only
College Essay

Write an essay about the benefits of attending college.

Follow the College Essay Guidelines and upload the PDF on the activity claim form.

$15, one essay per age group
College Research

Research five colleges or vocational programs of interest to you.

Follow the College Research Guidelines and upload a PDF on the activity claim form.

$20 per project, maximum of $40
Community Event

Attend an event that is open to the general public, is NOT organized by your school, and is focused on learning, building community or solving a problem.

Answer the questions on the activity claim form and upload photo verification of participation.

$20, maximum of $60
Conflict Resolution

Participate in a peer mediation or other conflict resolution training, or volunteer as a peer mediator at school.

Answer the questions on the activity claim form and upload photo verification of participation.

$20 per year

Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to qualify for financial aid for college or postsecondary training.

FAFSA confirmation email.

$15, one time only
Family Fun

Participate with your family in health or nutrition-related activities such as cooking a healthy meal together, going on a hike, playing sports, bike riding, etc.

Photo of you and family member(s) engaging in the activity.

$5 per activity, maximum of $20
Good Grades

Earn all A's and B's in one school year or show improvement in GPA from the first to second semester.

Report card.

$25 per year
Home Run Internship

Complete a Home Run summer internship.

Submit claim through activity claim form. Internship information can be found here.

$50 per 8-week internship
Home Run Referral

Refer a friend or family member to enroll in a West Sacramento Home Run program.

Friend or family member provides your name when creating their profile with the Home Run Savings Tracker.

$25 per enrollment, maximum of $75
Informational Interview

Conduct an informational interview with a professional or business owner in a field in which you are considering a career.

Follow the Informational Interview Guidelines and upload responses as a PDF on the activity claim form.


Complete an approved non-Home Run internship with a local employer.

Contact the Home Run team to determine whether the internship is acceptable.

$20-$50, depending on duration and quality of the internship
Join a Club

Join a club or extracurricular activity at your school and participate for a full school year.

Answer the questions on the activity claim form and upload photo verification of participation.

$10 per club, per year
Join a Sports League

Participate in a sports team or league for at least four weeks.

Answer the questions on the activity claim form and upload photo verification of participation.

$10 per league or team, per year
Letter of Recommendation

Get an adult professional or business owner (not related to you) to write a letter of recommendation for jobs or college.

Copy or photo of the letter of recommendation.

$20, maximum of $60
Letter to Public Official or Body

Send an email or letter to a public official or body about an issue that is important to you. (The official or body must have authority to do something about the issue.)

Photo or copy of the email or letter.

Library Card

Obtain a public library card.

Photo of your library card.

$10, one time only
Link Accounts

Link your ScholarShare 529 account to your Ready, Set, Save! account.

Notify the Home Run team by submitting a claim through our activity claim form under "Linked ScholarShare Account"

$50, one time only
LinkedIn Contacts

Add an approved professional contact to your LinkedIn profile.

Submit contact's name and a link to your profile.

$2 per contact, $20 max
LinkedIn Profile

Create a complete LinkedIn profile.

Submit a link to your profile.

$20, one time only
Medical or Dental Checkup

Visit a medical doctor or dentist.

Visit summary or photo of yourself in the doctor's or dentist's office.

$10 per visit, maximum of one per year
Part-time or Summer Job

Obtain and keep an approved part-time or summer job for at least eight weeks.

Pay stubs or a letter or email from your employer confirming your employment for at least 8 weeks.

Perfect Attendance

Attend school for one academic year with zero or very few unexcused absences.

School attendance record.

0 unexcused absences: $100; 1-3 absences: $75; 4-7 absences: $50. $200 lifetime maximum.
Postsecondary Education Application

Submit evidence of application for admission to any accredited postsecondary education or training program.

Email or letter confirming receipt of your application.

$15 per application, maximum of $45
Professional References

Complete a list of 5 professional references.

References list.

$20, one time only
Public Comment

Speak during the public comment period at a public hearing or meeting (e.g., city council, school board, etc.).

Photo of your written comment slip, video recording of your comment, or copy of meeting minutes with your comment highlighted.

Public Presentation

Make a formal presentation to a government body of which you are not a member, and which is composed primarily of adults, on an issue of importance to you.

Video recording of your presentation (upload or provide a link).

$50, maximum of $100
Read a Book

Read a book from the library or your home, and submit a response.

Answer the questions on the activity claim form and upload photo of participant with the book.

$10 per book response, maximum of $30

Create a resume.

Follow the Resume Guide and upload a PDF on the activity claim form

$15, one time only
ScholarShare 529 Monthly Match

Set up automatic deposits in your child's linked ScholarShare 529 account, and you’ll receive a match of up to $10 per month in their Ready, Set, Save account. You can receive matching funds until you reach a total of $180.

Set up automatic deposits in your child's ScholarShare account and be sure to link it to their Ready, Set, Save account. The match will be deposited automatically.

$10 per month for up to 18 months
ScholarShare Account

ScholarShare account statement. (Note: You must be 18 to open an account. If under 18, ask a parent or guardian to open an account for you.)

$50, one time only
Special Incentive

Special incentives are offered occasionally, for a limited time. Watch Home Run social media for details. Restrictions may apply.

Required documentation may vary and will be described with the Special Incentive announcement.

Amounts may vary and will be described with the Special Incentive announcement.
Summer Enrichment

Participate in a non-STEAM summer enrichment program that is at least two weeks long.

Answer the questions on the activity claim form and upload photo verification of participation.

$10 per program, per year
Summer STEAM Enrichment

Participate in a summer enrichment program with a focus on science, technology, engineering, the arts or math (STEAM) that is at least two weeks long.

Answer the questions on the activity claim form and upload photo verification of participation.

$15 per program, per year

Volunteer for an approved nonprofit organization.

Answer the questions on the activity claim form and upload photo of participant volunteering.

$25 per 10 volunteer hours, maximum of $50 per year
Voter Registration

Register or pre-register to vote in Yolo County.

Copy of your completed voter registration card or screen shot of your voter registration confirmation. (You must be 18 to register to vote, but you may pre-register at 16.)

Workplace Tour

Participate in an approved in-person or virtual workplace tour.

Answer the questions on the activity claim form.

$15, maximum of $45

Attend a college or school workshop to get information and resources

Answer the questions on the activity claim form and upload photo verification of attendance.

$20 per workshop or workshop series, maximum of $60
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